
Inspirations-The world,us

  Our cognitive world and ourselves are not separate from each other, but are one and the same . As an individual one, we exist separately from the world; but as a carrier of consciousness, we are the world. Photography references by Patrick Messina/ Jean-François Lepage  From Artligue

Inspiration-the warm of love

 The deepest and warmest love usually too shy to be expressed by words, because this kind of emotions are just as natural as breathing,  it becomes a part of life, it will be superficial to express too much in any way. Illustration by Nancy.Z Photography by Hanna Putz from ArtLigue

Inspirations- The structure of life.

The things could touched the soul usually is very rustic, because naturally the simple and plain is the structure of life.  Simple regression means getting closer to the truth. Photography by Cristian Movila from ArtLigue        Movie“A Torinói ló”,2011