eye shadow

Make up magic.

Usually I don’t really put make up on so much, but I was so curious to try them on and see how it would look when I received Lancome Show X Alber Elbaz (Official Page)  make up products. Of course the result surprised me a lot. These shinny eyeshadows…

Make up your life!

  Actually I wan’t very surprise when I heard Moschino Cheap and Chic moved to London. This sweet  and youth label need a new atmosphere to keep inspiring, London is the perfect place for her. The theme of this collection is ” Make up your life”…

Rouge of twilight.

  Actually I should tell you earlier about this art cooperation with Shu uemura. I designed my own style eye shadow color palette for Shu uemura last December, which is called” Rouge of twilight”. To present a modern classic lady’s image, I use the asian traditional brushes…