
I am a Light Seeker

Light often comes from the corners or gaps. The search for light is something I have always had an interest in since I was young , being an artist I believe it is important and fundamental to explore and understand light, how it works and…

Merry Christmas, with much love.

There is a shining star hiding in the heart of all of us, it keep our soul warm, illuminates the road ahead. Let this tiny star keep illuminating each and every one of us, warm each other, release more bright light, become the most brilliant universe….

Magic Light.

    Nothing is truly original anymore in the modern era.Transferring is the most important step between design and culture(Art/Music/literature and etc…). From a inspiration to a concept, it is the first step; to figure it out to an actual design, it is the second step….

To Capture a Moment, in my own way

   My book”Street Impressions”is the project that records many different types of encounters. Some of them lasted only seconds, some of them were dramatic coincidences. I always would like to ask people’s permissions when I would come across them by chance, not only for memorizing…

Light Fantastic

 All that you see and perceive around you is created by light. Or what is actually called light particles, Photons. A electromagnetic wave, surfing the universe, giving shape and form to all that is. Light has always been and is , and will continue to…

The sign of Spring.

   Europe is in the ridiculous cold situation these days, I heard it will be minus 20 degree this weekend…so… Please stay warm these days. It seems like spring is still very far away, Berlin just started the first heavy snow fall this winter. So…