In a manner of traveling- Those Irreplaceable Experiences

Life is structured by all the continuous coincidences, so is traveling. Wandering through the cities around the world each moment we created was irreplaceable and unforgettable.
Left:   Details of the house in Burano, Italy.
As we all know there are various  distinctive details in Italy, you could feel the beauty of peace on the underneath of the vivid colourful surface.
Perhaps it was one of my favourite places in London, yet this interesting place no longer has existed for years.
Left: Under the Southwark Bridge, London.

I had past this place on the way to Tate Modern, still impressed by the gigantic Art work on the wall under the Southwark Bridge.

Right: Night View from the top of Tokyo Tower.

Around 2 years ago one summer night,I was inside of the tokyo tower and viewing the whole city through window.
The reflection from those indoor tiny stringed lights faded into the urban night view,as if a shroud of star covered sky was talking down into the city…
A memory that is hard to Fade from an ever increasing filled mind, this night did stick in the brain as if a thorn wedged deep within the flesh.

Travel is a form of self medication that which is never enough for the mind nor the soul, each place for me holds a pocket of a memory which makes up the person that I am, the person
that will become and as such it can be seen as a tool that carves and shapes the surfaces of this being. For some people it seems to be a integral part of their very being that they travel, to break their own boundaries and push the limits of whom they are. Travel for me is something which allows me this and also to infuse me with new inspirations for my arts, helping develop my mind and thoughts as much as the books which I love so very much. Treat life like an Adventure.

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