LEGAL NOTICE: All images are Copyrighted to Nancy Zhang, Copyright Enforcement is Strongly Upheld Globally.

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A Windy Day at Tempelhof

Actually I really enjoy walking in the hollow place like this, it could help you open mind. Photography by Pickledthoughts  

The Red of New Spring

Since Chinese New year is coming soon, I made another theme about Red: The red of New Spring. As I said before, Red is one of the most important colours for the Oriental cultures,philosophies and aesthetics.When I was a Child, I used to have red…

The Story of Red

From this new year on I start my column “Style Art Life” in <L’Officiel> Magazine Mandarin version, talking about my style’s inspiration, the art connections and culture histories behind it. Since Chinese new year is coming soon, the first article is “Red”. As one of…

Below the Monument

Style is a great influence for art and as such it is a mixture of expression and imagination , Yet  Art  keeps improving my style as well. Everything is connected. Painting by Nancy.Z Photography by

Warm Winter

At the factory near East gallery in Berlin. This year I will try to work on different art projects,different topics at the same time. The way of recording my style is more like performance not mission, yet I treat my art, style, life seriously more…


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